Watch Fred Armisen Break Down Latest Internet Slang

Fred Armisenvisited The Tonight Show Thursday with the important task of unveiling the latest Internet slang words. Armisen improvised fan-submitted jumbles of letters into what could be the future of texting. (We hopeBABA catches on first).

Armisen explained all the kids today are using LAV (Los Angeles victory) and ITIGBS, which the comedian defined as I told idiots go be special. Some of Armisens internet slang is somewhat plausible JLP is Just lets play, for example while other interpretations could use some fine-tuning. According to Armisen, SKWMA is quick-speak for Should Knowledge Weapons Must Ask, while the tongue twisting BF AUWDAE TWWSBF is shorthand for Because Fred Armisen Understands Way Days Are Everything, Today Well Well Said Boyfriend.

In addition to serving as a glossary for internet slang, Armisen also sat down with his good friend Jimmy Fallon to determine how well they really knew each other by playing a game called Mind Readers.Armisen will host the Season 41 finale of Saturday Night Live alongside musical guest Courtney Barnett.