James Franco on Freaks and Geeks Reunion: Everybodys Kind of Old

Judd Apatow sent the Freaks and Geeks fan community into hysterics last month when he told saidthat he could envision the show somehow coming back. All of those characters died in a Supermax prison, he said. You never know, It could happen. This year it wont happen. Well see. Those few sentences caused headlines all across the Internet, though Apatow soon jumped on Twitter to clarify things. I thought I was pretty clear that it wasnt going to happen with a tossed off you never know, he wrote. I guess people really want it.

The odds against the show returning seem astronomical for a multitude of reasons, most notably because the cast, which included James Franco, Seth Rothen, Jason Segel and Linda Cardellini have gone onto huge movie careers. Theres also the simple fact it was about teenagers and theyve now all aged 15 years. But when we spoke to Franco about 11.22.63, we couldnt resist asking about the possibility of the show returning.

I mean, I dont know what that would look like, he said with a laugh. Everybodys kind of old. I think for the most part weve had these little reunions just for photo shoots over the years, and everybody seems to still really like each other and still have a great love for what we did on that show. And obviously I still work very closely with Seth [Rogen] all the time. So, if somebody came up with an idea that didnt totally suck, Im sure its a possibility.