Watch Donald Trump Turn Anchorman on Personal News Network on Fallon

Jimmy Fallon satirized President Trumps dismissal of fake news Tuesday on The Tonight Show. Its time for me to take matters into my own abnormally gigantic hands, said Fallon in orange-drag as Trump. The only way to ensure that the news youre watching is not fake is if Im the one delivering it.

Trump launched his 24/7 YouTube livestream called Trump News Network (complete with a hilarious screen crawl at the bottom that simply said TRUMP ad infinitum). The president-newscaster began with a report about an incident in Sweden, noting that details were unclear but 100 percent not made up.

Trump also discussed his pick for National Security Advisor, H.R. McMaster: Normally when Im talking to H.R., its because one of my female employees is threatening to sue, he said. But now H.R. is going to stand for Huge Ratings.' Trump also unveiled his headline-generating Bad Things Button, which, when pressed, generates non-existent news like, Godzilla attack on Finland.

The highlight of the segment was, naturally, the weather report. Trump threw to meteorologist/Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, played by comedian and Tonight Show writer Jo Firestone. We can expect sunny skies today, said DeVos. I like the sun. Whenever it comes out, I say, Hello, sun! and look right at it and sometimes my eyes burn! Im a weatherman!

Firestones DeVos impression has become a welcome fixture of Tonight Show segments, from with the hilarious Just Speak English educational pamphlets to her Twitter spelling gaffes concerning W.E.B. DeBois. Watch that segment below.