Watch John Olivers Bizarre Apolitical Endorsements on Last Week Tonight

The 2016 presidential election or Uncle Sams Rock-Bottom Yankee-Doodle Suicide Pact 2016 has entered full-blown celebrity endorsement mode. Sadly,John Olivers British accent precludes him from taking a stance of his own. The only elected officials I can endorse are prime ministers, viceroys and magical railway controllers, he jokes in a new Last Week Tonight web exclusive. Instead, the host endorses a handful of random concepts, people and films outside the realm of politics.

First up: animals wearing people clothes. You are charming and a wholesome delight, he says. Unlike people wearing animal clothes, which is generally a specific sex thing. He also spotlights interspecies friendships, including dog and goat BFFs and an unlikely pairing of Tilda Swinton and a human from Earth.

He saves his most conventional endorsement for last, hyping 1999 film drama Pushing Tin, starring John Cusack and Billy Bob Thornton. If you are looking for a snooze in the middle of an overcast Sunday afternoon, Pushing Tin will knock you the fuck out, he says.

Last Week Tonight returns with new episodes on July 24th.

Find out five things we learned from John Oliver.