Showing posts with the label b tv apk

Deutschland 86 Review: German Thriller Is Locked and Re-loaded

Deutschland 83 debuted on Sundance in 2015, right in the middle of the run of The Americans , a couple of months after the end of that shows third season. The story of an East German soldier recruite…
Deutschland 86 Review: German Thriller Is Locked and Re-loaded

Westworld Recap: Do the Strand

A hallmark of great art is showing you something you never imagined needing to see until you actually see it. No one is claiming that Westworld is the second coming of the Sistine Chapel, but the HB…
Westworld Recap: Do the Strand

Springfield of Dreams: 150 Best Simpsons Episodes

When FXX announced a complete Simpsons marathon as in airing all 552 episodes consecutively, from August 21st through Labor Day there was much rejoicing among those of us who have spent nearly as m…
Springfield of Dreams: 150 Best Simpsons Episodes