Ryan Adams Guitarist Todd Wisenbaker Urges Musician to Get Help

Ryan Adams guitarist, Todd Wisenbaker, urged Adams to get help after the musician was accused of emotional abuse and sexual misconduct by several women in a recent New York Times report.

In a post on Instagram, Wisenbaker suggested that hed previously known about Adams alleged behavior, saying, There were times when I chose to believe his insane version of the truth because it was easier than believing that anyone is capable of being this much of a monster. Its sickening and embarrassing. Ive recently learned that pretty much everything hes ever told me is a lie upon a lie upon a lie.

Seven women accused Adams of misconduct and abuse, including his ex-wife Mandy Moore and singer-songwriter Phoebe Bridges. Among the most jarring claims came from a woman named Ava, who said that after striking up an online dialogue with Adams when she was 14, the two of them engaged in phone sex and had Skype calls where Adams exposed himself (the FBI has since opened an investigation into the claim).

In his statement, Wisenbaker said he previously urged Adams to get help, and that he believed in forgiveness, redemption and recovery. However he added: [M]y life has become a complete shitstorm of someone elses utter delusion.

Wisenbaker also admitted he was anxious about addressing the accusations out of concern for the safety of his family. But he noted, I do realize that I have a responsibility to speak up. The women that spoke out are brave beyond words.

Katy Goodman, former Vivien Girls bassist and co-founder of La Sera with husband Wisenbaker, posted an image on Instagram titled A Narcissists Prayer with the caption, Believe the women who have told their stories about Ryan Adams.