Morgan Freeman Adds Dramatic Spin to Justin Biebers Love Yourself

There arent many voices that are quite as soothing as Morgan Freemans. Couple that reassuring tone with Freemans reading of lyrics fromJustin Biebers Love Yourself and it gives the tune an interesting, funny interpretation, which was likely not the singer, Ed Sheeran and Benjamin Levins original intention for the kiss-off song when they penned it. Freeman read the lyrics for a video he taped for Vanity Fair.

Im going to give a dramatic reading from a very popular songwriter, Freeman says at the beginning of the clip, adding a bit of an eye roll in for good measure. His read continues with perfectly timed dramatic pauses and deadpanned looks directly into the camera, which injects a bit of camp into the songs sentiment.

The tongue-in-cheek approach may come off with a good dose of side eye from Freeman, but Bieber seemed to approve as he retweeted Vanity Fairs tweetabout the videos release.

This wasnt the first unusual take on a song from Biebers Purposealbum. Several celebrities gave dramatic reads of Sorryduring Sundance Film Festival and Ten Second Songs Anthony Vincent also took on Sorry, singing it in 20 different styles.

Freeman is starring in London Has Fallen, which gets its theatrical release this weekend.