See Jimmy Kimmel Talk 2018 Oscar Highlights: Jet Skis, Embarrassing Moms

Jimmy Kimmel recounted his 2018 Oscars hosting experience on Jimmy Kimmel Live Monday, touching on the legal handwringing behind his jet ski stunt and how his mother managed to embarrass him at the show.

Kimmel said, unbeknownst to him, his mother spent the weekend baking cookies shaped like Oscar trophies, which she then smuggled into the Academy Awards. So while the Oscar show was going on, my mothers in the audience passing cookies around to various people, including Steven Spielberg, Kimmel joked. She gave Steven Spielberg a cookie and he ate it, which just goes to show you that even when youre 50 years old and hosting the Academy Awards, you can still be embarrassed by mommy at work.

One of the most entertaining parts of the 2018 Academy Awards was a running jokeKimmel jump-started when he promised that the Oscar winner who delivered the shortest speech would also go home with a new jet ski. But on Monday, Kimmel noted that the goofy idea ultimately required the legal department to meticulously sort out the specifics of the contest and show up at the Oscars to time each speech. As for the winner of the jet ski Phantom Thread costume designer Mark Bridges Kimmel noted that his Wikipedia page has already been updated to acknowledge his monumental accomplishment.

Kimmel also touched on the custom-made hot dog guns created for a bit where an array of celebrities surprised moviegoers, his sidekick Guillermos hangover and the after-party theft of Frances McDormands Best Actress award. As Kimmel pointed out, after swiping McDormands Oscar, the thief not-so-wisely posted a video of himself with the trophy on Facebook. Not only is that dumb, its dangerous, Kimmel joked. I would rather steal from Mike Tyson than Frances McDormand shell beat your ass.