See Jimmy Kimmel Gauge Reaction to Fake Health Care Proposals

In the latest installment of his reoccurring Lie Witness News segment, Jimmy Kimmel sent a camera crew into Los Angeles to interview opinionated-if-uninformed citizens about the new Republican health care bill that passed the House of Representatives last week. Kimmels crew shared made-up provisions about the proposed legislation. People on the street welcomed the fake changes, regardless of how appalling they sounded.

What do you think of the Trumpcare proposal where the government will pay you to stitch up your own wounds at home using Youtube tutorial videos? Kimmels reporter asked an excitable man dressed in a Wookiee costume. Its about time that America did a little bit for themselves, the Wookiee replied. I cut myself earlier today; I put 11 stitches in my finger. Am I complaining to you? No.

Kimmels team was imaginative when concocting their fake proposals. One that got green lit by a Trump voter included replacing ambulances with Uber EMT. Another woman ruled that veterinarians should be able to do surgery on poor people who cant afford insurance. Another man endorsed the concept of a poor person selling organs to help pay for health care.

Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do to make ends meet, the pedestrian said before reminding the interviewer that humans only need one kidney to live.

Last week, Kimmel made a passionate argument in favor of guaranteeing quality, affordable care to those who have pre-existing medical conditions. His plea fell on deaf ears, at least in the House of Representatives: under the Houses new health care plan, states may be able to charge people more based on their health history.