Watch Kamala Harris Pitch Teacher Pay Raises on Full Frontal

Samantha Bee spoke with California Senator and 2020 presidential hopeful Kamala Harris about her plan to improve pay among public school teachers on Full Frontal Wednesday.

As Harris noted, teachers make, on average, 11 percent less than similarly college educated professionals, and the meager wages are causing people to leave the profession in droves. Additionally, many teachers are often forced to pay for school supplies out of their own pocket due to rampant underfunding.

Lets pay them their value and lets recognize that they are doing some of the most noble, honorable work that any one human being can do for another, Harris said.

Bee attempted to play devils advocate with Harris by cheekily quoting the we dont need no education hook from Pink Floyds Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2), though the Senator didnt bite. The Full Frontal host also offered up some creative names for Harris plan, such as The Patriot Eagle Pay Raise Plan for Americas Heroes, The Arm Every Teacher With Dollars Act and the lengthy, but clever, Fortunately Using Cash Keeps Better Educators Teaching Soon Youll Deliver Equality Very Obvious So Act, which, if you take the first letter to each word, spells out Fuck Betsy DeVos.

Bee closed the interview by asking how Harris deals with her myriad critics, prompting the Senator to reply, I eat no for breakfast. Someone says it cant be done, I cant hear that.