Nathan For You Season 4 Trailer Has Smuggled Chili, Uber/Taxi War

Nathan Fielder is just what democracy ordered in the season 4 trailer for his Comedy Central series Nathan For You. The comedian returns to his docu-reality series with a heartfelt hope to put his business background to good use for small business owners.

In one particularly memorable part of the minute-and-a-half trailer, released Thursday, Fielder helps one man into a plastic suit designed to smuggle chili into a baseball stadium.

What is that? a few kids ask at one point as the man drips chili out of his sleeve. Chili, he replies as they gape at him.

The fourth season of Nathan For You will also see the return of the Bill Gates impersonator, whos on the search for his long-lost love Francis, who may or may not have been the target of his unrequited attentions.

Other exploits include forays into L.A.s first asexual computer repair shop and the Uber/cabbie rivalry. Hint: ski masks are involved.

Nathan For You returns to Comedy Central on September 28th at 10 p.m. ET. Watch the trailer above.