Watch The Simpsons Scathe Donald Trump in Campaign Ad

The Simpsons interrupted their summer vacation by posting a two-minute campaign ad that asks Springfield residents whether they would rather have Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump in the White House during a national crisis.

Its 3 a.m. and the phones ringing in the White House. Who do you want answering that call, the ad asks Homer and Marge Simpson. The commercial then cuts to Bill Clinton answering the phone before Hillary curtly demands that the former president hand her the receiver and stop answering the phone.

While The Simpsons dont flatly state Im With Her, theyre extremely critical of Clintons opponent: Trump is shown in a luxurious bedroom, up late at night tweeting about Elizabeth Warren with a book of Adolf Hitlers greatest speeches by his side.

When the Situation Room calls, Trump begrudgingly answers the phone, first demanding to his assistant, Put my name on the Lincoln Memorial, make Chris Christie eat a worm just for laughs, disband NATO and make me some scrambled eggs on a gold plate. Trump then undertakes his hours-long process to achieve his physical appearance before facing the crisis.

The campaign ad ends with the kicker, Paid for by Americans Who Are Really Starting to Miss Obama.

This isnt the first time The Simpsons mocked Trump this campaign season: In July 2015, Homer took a psychedelic trip through the moguls scalp. Back in 2000, the long-running animated series predicted that America would eventually see the rise of President Trump.

The Simpsons has parodied political figures ranging from Bill Clinton to Arnold Schwarzenegger. Watch here.