Watch Samantha Bee Compare Senate Hearings on Russia to O.J. Trial

Samantha Bee lit into Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Wednesday, calling out the DOJs garden gnome for his sexist treatment of California Senator Kamala Harris during a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing investigating Russian meddling in the U.S. election.

Sessions repeatedly talked over Harris as she questioned him about his relationship with Russia. When his interruptions failed to get him off the hook, the Attorney General started complaining. Im not able to be rushed this fast, he said at one point. It makes me nervous.

Bee had a simple explanation for Sessions behavior: racism. You have to understand that about a third of Jeffs RAM is dedicated to not saying the N-word, she explained. And that goes up to two-thirds when a smart woman of color is lobbing questions at him like a tennis ball launcher.

Bee also had cutting words for John McCain, who has interrupted Harris twice during Senate hearings in recent weeks. With all due respect, quit waggling your disapproving Gandalf eyebrows at a woman of color doing her damn job, Bee said.

In her view, the sexism on display in the recent Senate hearings shows how little the nation has progressed since the 1990s. I better pace myself, because these hearings are going to outlast my will to live, she said. Think of it like the O.J. trial: the same amount of backstabbing, only with fewer celebrities, but still illustrating an epic divide in the nation. And of course, everyone will unfairly shit on the female prosecutor.