Fk You: George R.R. Martin Responds to Complaints of Slow Writing

Author George R.R. Martin, who created the world of Game of Thrones in his Song of Ice and Fireseries of books, has heard fans complaints that he is taking too long with the sagas next installment, The Winds of Winter, and he has two words for them: Fuck you.

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The 65-year-old writer delivered that message to Swiss newspaper Tages-Anzeiger, (viaUproxx), when a reporter brought up the issues of his age and health and the outside chance that something could happen to him before the story is complete. I find that question pretty offensive, he said. He also threw up his middle finger as he delivered his two-word retort.

The writer said that he also found it contentious that fans would complain about his attending events rather than staying home and working, noting that he only writes when he is home. But despite his outrage at such suggestions, he also said that he did not know when the next book would be finished. He reiterated, however, that he does indeed have a plan for the end of the story and has shared it with Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss.

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In June, Martin offered up some hints as to what The Winds of Winter had in store, including (no spoiler) battles, betrayals and marriages. He offered more details and quasi-spoilers in an interview with Entertainment Weekly. And in March, he shared a whole chapter from the book. But these promises of progress pale when considering the fact that Martin is now considering writing an eighth book in what he had most recently envisioned as a seven-book series.

But regardless, he has said that he knows he needs to finish things up. Early in his interview with Rolling Stone this past April, he admitted, I better get these books done.