Watch Mark Zuckerberg Field Senator Selfie Questions on Kimmel

Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg testified before the Senate Judiciary and Commerce Committees for over five hours on Tuesday, fielding senators questions about the Cambridge Analytica scandal. Jimmy Kimmel Live envisioned how the sixth hour of questioning mightve gone in a hilarious parody.

In Kimmels spoof, a trio offake senators grilled Zuckerberg on social media taboos. Mrs. Dorgan asked, If someone pokes me, is that a sex thing?

Mr. Field chimed in with, I just want a straight yes or no: Can anyone see those pictures I sent to my intern? And Mr. Baxter closed with a doozy: Is it mad basic to post a selfie of your feet while on vacation? (Zuckerberg, in repurposed footage from the hearing, laughed and, after a couple seconds, replied that it is not mad basic.)

Kimmel introduced the piece with a slew of Facebook jokes. Mark Zuckerberg testified for more than five hours today, he said. It was tough, but then at the end of the hearing, he wowed the senators by presenting them with a slideshow he made of all the memories theyve shared together.

Later, Kimmel cracked, He defended himself well. He said, Listen, I didnt do this it was the Winklevoss twins who invented this stupid thing.