Watch Adeles Hello Sung by Classic Movie Characters

Adeles appeal is so universal, the reach of Hello has extended into the fictional realms of classic movies.

Youtube user Matthijs Vlot, whos compiled similar supercuts forRadioheads Creep and ABBAs S.O.S.,created anew video splicingtogether clips of famous characters singing the monster hit.

For Hello, Vlot culled dialogue from characters as far and wide as Sacha Baron Cohens Ali G and Richard Burtons George in Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, to Luke Skywalker, Gonzo and E.T. (who of course chimes in with home). While much of the video is spoken word, a few singing parts match up surprisingly well with the sparse instrumentation, including a precious warble from Big Bird.

Adeles Hello has unsurprisingly garnered a growing list of tributes, remixes and covers. Ten Second Songs Anthony Vincent performed the track in 25 different styles, while Chewbacca and Han Solo reconciled to the song in a touching Jimmy Kimmel Live! segment. Even Rick Ross was so moved by Hello he jumped on a remix of the cut, which he calledone of the biggest records in the history of our time.