Watch Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin Talk Trump-Themed Diapers on Colbert

Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlindiscussed the womens march, Trump-themed diapers and adult vibrators onThe Late Show on Monday Night. The two actresses are promoting their series Grace and Frankie, which returned to Netflix last Friday.

I have an idea for a new business model for Trump, Fonda joked. [He should make] adult diapers that could be called Trumpers to help with all the leaks.

Both women sported pins showing their support for Planned Parenthood on The Late Show, and they told host Stephen Colbert that they recently participated in the Los Angeles edition of the Womens March. 750,000 people [were there]men and women, baby carriages, wheelchairs, Fonda said proudly. And dogs, Tomlin quipped.

Fonda has a history of joining protests: back in 1970, she was arrested for demonstrating against the Vietnam war. On her website, she now commemorates that occasion by selling mugs adorned with her mug shot. The revolution will not be televised, Colbert said. But it will be merchandised.