Jimmy Kimmel Uses Chalkboard to Grasp Rudy Giulianis Bizarre Interviews

Jimmy Kimmel attempted to dissect statements made over the weekend by President Trumps lawyer and former mayor of New York, Rudy Giuliani, on Monday.

Giuliani has been making contradictory remarks since he told Sean Hannity last week that Trump reimbursed Michael Cohen the $130,000 paid to silence Stormy Daniels shortly before the 2016 election.

Over the weekend, Giuliani seemingly tried to do damage control in a series of wild-eyed appearances, but his statements instead made him appear confused. After Kimmel shared clips from Giulianis interview with George Stephanopoulos, he brought out a chalkboard to decipher the lawyers word salads that were written on the board, but I could go over it two dozen more times, it wouldnt make any difference, Kimmel quipped.

Stephanopoulos asked Giuliani to confirm Giulianis statement that Trump knew about the payment after the campaign. Cant say that. At some point, yes, but it could have been recently. It could have been a while back, Giuliani said. Those are the facts that were still working on and that, you know, may be in a little bit of dispute. This is more rumor than it is anything else.

When Stephanopoulos called Giuliani out about being the person to state as fact that Trump knew about the payment, Giuliani stumbled through his response. Well, maybe I did, he stammered. But right now, Im at the point where Im learning. And I cant prove that. I can just say its rumored. I can prove its rumor. But I cant prove its fact.

Kimmel gave his humorous take on what Trump and Giuliani might be trying to do. I think I know whats going on here, the host joked. I think the strategy right now is to put someone out there whos even nuttier than Trump to make him look normal by comparison.