Jimmy Kimmel Reads Mean Tweets from Angry Trump Supporters

Jimmy Kimmel got roasted by Donald Trump supporters on social media following his outreach to them during his Tuesday night show but the late night host took the knocks in stride.

On Wednesday, Kimmel rounded up some of the most damning tweets and Facebook posts and read them aloud as part of his opening monologue, throwing back tongue-in-cheek compliments to the posters for their candor.

Last night on our show, if you missed it, I had a message for those who voted for Donald Trump, Kimmel began. I explained that I understood why they did it, but encouraged those of them who deep down feel like now they look back and they made a mistake to just admit it and move on. And I think, I have to say, I think it might have worked. I really think I made a breakthrough, and I base that on the thoughtful responses I got on Twitter and Facebook.

The comedian then read aloud a tweet from a user Thomas in the style of his well-known Mean Tweets segment, in which celebrities read rude tweets about themselves.

Why dont you go somewhere else like a different country if you dont like our president and stop your crying on TV snowflake, Kimmel read Thomas tweet aloud. Another user named Douglas wrote, Jimmy give me a break, nobody cares what you think. You sound like a whining baby. Does baby Jimmy want his bottle?

Kimmel then switched over to read a few Facebook responses to his Monday night monologue, but the comments werent any kinder.

Jimmy Kimmel reminds me of a demented little kid at a social gathering, he read aloud from a post by Karen. Where in the hell is this kids parents? They should be arrested for giving birth to him.

Looking nonplussed, Kimmel shrugged and summed up: It just goes to show you that if you try to understand where people are coming from, and talk to them like human beings, they will open up. You just have to communicate.

Watch the clip above.