Pussy Riot Tell Colbert Why Theyre Free: They Got Fed Up With Us

When Stephen Colbert was introducing Pussy Riot for his show Tuesday night, he refused to say the bands name instead he showed video of a succession of mainstream news reporters awkwardly push their way through the band name. It was a fitting introduction, considering the two recently freed members of Pussy Riot Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina are making the media rounds. In addition to Colbert, they appeared on Irish talk-show host Brendan OConnors program for an awkward exchange and spoke more generally at a press conference in New York City. But it was on Colberts show that they broke smiles and laughed at the first joke.

See Photos of Pussy Riots Trial

You are members of, pardon the expression, Pussy riot,' Colbert said after he sat down with the women and an interpreter. After establishing that the pair had not yet visited an Olive Garden, the talk-show host asked them why they were put in jail. We sang a fun song in a church, Alyokhina said, to cheers in the audience.

They also returned jokes to Colbert. When the talk-show host told them, You will be searched when you leave the building, Tolokonnikova said, Weve had two years of practice hiding things from [being] searched.

Together, they conversed and joked about Russias laws about homosexuals. The women discussed how, before Pussy Riot, they kissed about 40 policewomen, who would then ask them, Why do you have to do this in public? Regarding why Russian authorities had released dangerous criminals who sing in churches, Tolokonnikova said, They got fed up with us.

As for the ramifications of Putin releasing the group as a political stunt, they said they didnt think it was a very effective way of improving peoples impressions of Russia. Near the close of the interview, in response to how many members of the group there are, the women tell Colbert that anyone could be in Pussy Riot. He then ended the episode in a way that showed his newfound membership.

Irish talk-show host OConnor didnt have such an easy time with the women. In his interview, which aired February 1st, the host asked how they felt about becoming famous. Tolokonnikova sighed, hung her head, and explained that they were activists, to which OConnor realized he had been trivializing them. I can see that Im exasperating them with my questions, the host said. But things really hit the skids when he asked the women if they felt Madonna, who had defended them previously and who is introducing them at Amnesty Internationals Bringing Human Rights Home concert tonight in Brooklyn, was a freedom fighter like them. Tolokonnikova just laughed. She later explained that Madonna and another supporter, Sinead OConnor, were able to condemn religion freely in their countries, but that Pussy Riot could not.

The Pussy Riot members expressed a similar disillusionment with Russia and the way it was presenting Sochi, the site of the upcoming Olympics, at a U.S. press conference yesterday. Its not the Olympic Village you see on TV, Alyokhina said, according to Billboard. Look beyond those buildings.

At the press conference, the women also expressed an admiration for cool music like the Clash and said they were holding on to their convictions.

We are never afraid to perform, Tolokonnikova said.

We are proud of what we did, Alyokhina said. We are proud it landed us in prison.