Late-Night Hosts Roast Trump Over Revealing Fire and Fury Excerpts

President Trumps alleged foibles were put on display in excerpts from Michael Wolffs forthcoming book, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, earlier this week, and on Thursday, late night hosts added a few zingers of their own.

Wolffs tell-all portrays Trump and his administration in an oft-unflattering light and contends, among other things, that Trump never intended to win the election, and that his obsession with fast food runs deep.

Trevor Noah, Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel seized on the tidbit and others to get some jabs in on the president.

Let me get this straight, Noah said on The Daily Show, about an excerpt that claimed Trump ate McDonalds because he was otherwise afraid of getting poisoned. Trump only trusts food if the people who made it had no idea it was for him. Thats why he goes to McDonalds. Now I cant help picturing some random person at McDonalds, and just before they bite into their burger, the president bursts out of their ball pit and grabs their food. Just like, Surprise! Nyum nyum nyum nyum nyum. By the way, someone not me went potty in the ball pit.'

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The host also pointed to an excerpt that suggested that Trump would often retire to his bedroom with a cheeseburger by 6:30 p.m. if he wasnt having dinner with Steve Bannon.

I mean, it makes sense in a way, you need to get your 11 hours in before your 5 a.m. rage tweets, but still! Noah exclaimed.

Colbert also pointed to the excerpt as a puzzling bit of information though, he said, it seemed to confirm one important thing about Trumps bedroom habits.

It turns out that the president and the first lady have separate bedrooms, the first first couple to do so since John and Jackie Kennedy. Meaning Donald Trump has had just as much sex as JFK has had in the past year, he joked. But, if youre concerned that the president might have a mistress, dont worry, he said, before explaining that one of the revelations in the book claims that if Trump did not have one of his regular dinners with since-ousted White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, he was instead in bed with a cheeseburger.

Kimmels biggest takeaway from the explosive details in Wolffs books and the subsequent legal case against the journalist is that the White House is only driving up interest in the book by trying to bar its publication.

Heres the thing. This is what I would ask Donald Trump: If you dont want people to read a book about you, why would you take legal action to try to stop people from reading the book about you? Kimmel said.

I wasnt going to buy the book, he continued. But now that Trumps lawyers are going all out to try to stop it from being published Im buying 20 copies! I cant buy enough of these books.

White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders slams new book Fire and Fury on Fridays broadcast of Fox & Friends.