Watch Stephen Colbert Relinquish King Nerd Crown to Elon Musk

When the SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida on Tuesday afternoon, one thing was resoundingly clear to Stephen Colbert.

Thats right, this is absolutely true: A giant phallus crankin rock n roll, releasing a red convertible into the dark void, Colbert joked. And the award for Most Midlife Crisis goes to Elon Musk.

The late night host pointed out the humor in the historic launch. Heres the kicker the launch was to show not only that the Falcon was reusable but the Falcon Heavy can carry a large payload. So to test it, Elon Musk sent up his own Tesla convertible with a dummy astronaut at the wheel, blasting David Bowies Life on Mars.'

Colbert also pointed out that Musks attention to detail including a touchscreen in the dashboard of the convertible that read Dont Panic! betrayed his ultimate nerdiness.

We get it, Musk, Colbert said. Youre King Nerd. I relinquish my crown. At this, the late night host pulled a giant pink Galactus-inspired crown out from under the desk and set in from to him.