Watch Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel Mock Trumps Stormy Daniels Lawsuit

Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel gleefully dissected the lawsuit porn star Stormy Daniels filed against President Trump on The Late Show and Jimmy Kimmel Live Wednesday.

Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, is asking a judge to rule that a hush agreement designed to keep her from talking about her alleged affair with Trump is invalid because Trump never signed the document. Clifford presented documents that only showed signatures from herself and Trumps lawyer, Michael Cohen, prompting Colbert to crack, So this is the thing Trump thought was too sketchy to put his name on. What about Trump University? Or Don Jr.?

Colbert focused on Cohens role in the scandal. The attorney allegedlypaid Clifford $130,000 out of his own pocket and neither Trump, nor his business or presidential campaign, reimbursed him. Cohen denied the affair ever happened, explaining that the payment was to protect Trump. Colbert jokingly called Cohen the greatest wingman of all time then proffered a new music video from the loyal attorney: A parody of Bill Withers Lean On Me with lyrics like, Lean on me/ When you bang a porn star/ Ill pay her off/ You can keep banging on.

On Jimmy Kimmel Live, Kimmel also joked about Trumps failure to sign such an important document, though he noted its normal behavior for Trump. Kimmel played two clips of Trump forgetting to sign two big bills during televised events, then cracked, He remembers to put his name on everything else water, vodka, steaks but he has a problem with bills. He doesnt sign them or pay them.

With the lawsuit adding another wild dimension to the scandal, Kimmel also extended a genuine offer to Clifford and Trump: I hate it when couples so fight so, listen, guys, if youre willing Id be happy to have you both on the show to act as mediator. I dont know about you guys, but Im still rooting for those crazy kids!