Watch Bryan Cranston, Colbert Ponder Female God, Crying Manatees

A female God, parallel universes, good and evil, crying manatees: These are just some of the incredibly deep subjects explored by Bryan Cranstonand Stephen Colbert during Thursdays episode of The Late Show. The duo gazed at an artificial night sky on a fake hillside for the hilarious, introspective segment Big Questions with Even Bigger Stars.

Do you believe in parallel universes? Colbert asks the acclaimed actor in the above clip. No, he responds. And somewhere, I just said yes. (Moments later, he observes a cluster of stars [that] looks like Ryan Seacrest.)

Stephen, what if Gods a woman? ponders Cranston, on-hand promoting his new film Trumbo. If Gods a woman, she definitely didnt write the Bible, the host cracks. Ever think that Gods an old man in a robe? the actor responds, bringing Colbert to this far-out conclusion: No, I think he wears an Im With Stupid T-shirt with an arrow that just points at existence.

Elsewhere, the pair wrestle with the existence of good and evil which are tattooed on Colberts knuckles and Cranston admits he doesnt anticipate getting into heaven: Not after what I did in Tampa (apossible reference to the Florida shootof upcoming drug lord movieThe Infiltator).

The deepest question of all could be, Whats the most tragic thing that could happen?, with both reflecting on the animal kingdom. Cranston picks a puppy who grows up to be a police dog and is forced to attack his brother, who was adopted by a drug dealer, with Colbert choosing a manatee who cries, but no one knows because hes underwater.

Cranston ends by sharing his biggest fear: the familiar concernthat someone will find out what I did in Tampa.