WWE Raw: Whos Afraid of Seth Rollins?

As was made very clear by Big Shows awkward references to Hot Atlanta and Real Housewives of Atlanta star NeNe Leakes ornamental inclusion, last nights Raw did indeed take place in the Peach States proud capital city. And convenient as it would be to suggest all three hours were the pits, that would be a fuzzy recounting of events.

For those who like their action between the bells, Raw offered its most filler-free installment in recent memory, buoyed by unexpected booking swerves that kept anticipation high from opening bout to main event. Naturally, not everything was executed without giving a concerted viewer pause or compelling them to fast-forward. But in the interest of providing a service to you readers, Ive broken the action down into five essential takeaways. And, as a bonus, a bunch of stuff that may have taught us nothing, but gave everyone something to tweet about.

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Heres what I learned from the October 13 edition of Monday Night Raw.

5. Chrisley! Chrisley! Chrisley!
Did you know season two of USAs reality series Chrisley Knows Best premieres tonight at 10 pm? Of course you did, because: A) I just told you, and B) If you dared skip ahead through the gauntlet of ads and extended teasers thrown your way throughout Raw, Chrisley himself showed up at ringside and offered some exclusive insight about what hijinks he, wife Julie and kids Chase and Savannah will be drumming up for the millions and millions of the Chrisley clans fans. And hey, Jerry Lawler could listen to that guy all night! A la Kathie and Hodas disastrous Brooklyn cameo, the appearance wasnt purely promotional (Julies battle with breast cancer was also acknowledged), but it mostly stunk.

4. Lets Get Physical
Those who believe that actual wrestling should make up the majority of airtime had to be thrilled with Monday nights show, which featured bouts between Dolph Ziggler and Randy Orton, Jack Swagger and Seth Rollins, Big Show and Rusev, plus a tag contest with John Cena, Dean Ambrose, the Usos and Gold/Stardust. We got mid-air RKOs, flying elbows off the top rope outside of the ring, reverse-springboard German suplexes and other highlight-reel spots spread generously over several matches. In fact, the only contest that, regrettably, wasnt mapped out over several momentum changes was the main event between Cena and Ambrose, despite the supposedly dire stakes (more on that in a bit). Buzz-killing mid-fight commercial breaks and occasionally hazy rooting interests still tough to get behind Swagger, and can we really cheer Show and Mark Henry ganging up on Rusev? aside, it was a fun night for those whod rather the wrestling tell its own story.

3. I Miss Paul Heyman
We all know Brock Lesnars around on a limited basis, and have embraced the idea of a World Heavyweight Champion who lurks in the shadows. And, as discussed, last nights Raw was more about exhibiting the rosters talent and widening a couple key storylines than ceding the floor to Miz TV and other sideshow segments. But it would be nice to see Lesnars legendary advocate reappear, both to sate any growing unease with his clients disappearing act and arouse our attention like the true emcee he is.

In a different era, Paul Heyman might have been a ringmaster for traveling carnivals and attractions. In 2014, hes the Raw road shows mightiest mouthpiece and, ultimately, an advocate for our total viewership. Hopefully, with or without Brocks participation at Hell in a Cell (available, of course, via the WWE Network two Sundays from now for just NINE-NINETY-NINE), Paul E. will show up next Monday and remind the upper card just how petty their squabbles seem to he and the Beast.

2. Wheres My Ten Dollars?
Youve got to hand it to Raws brain trust: Not since Swagger and Zeb Colter managed to turn all those patriotic frowns upside down has the show taken hold of something cynical and turned it into a populist catchphrase.

When HHH interrupts a sparring Cena and Ambrose to talk Hell in a Cell, declaring it an event that all of you can see on the WWE Network, he made sure to take that perfect pause after for just to let the live audience dutifully respond, $9.99. Who knows how the companys simultaneously self-effacing and subversive tactic to rally support for their fledgling streaming operation translates to new subscriptions. (My guess: It must be working.) Whats undeniable is the way they constantly stay one step ahead of their consumers and, even if the on-air product can be inconsistent, do tend to emerge pretty solid about whats best for business.

1. Whos Afraid of Seth Rollins?
Lets forget for a second that Cena and Ambroses Contract on a Pole (a head-scratching stipulation if there ever was one) main event, which was originally slated for Hell in a Cell, concluded with a bit of a whimper. Its probably also best to defer judgment on yet another hurried Cena vs. Orton feud until we see how it plays out (plus, both men have been at top form in the ring of late). The real question is: How excited are we for Ambrose vs. Rollins? Or, more to the point, was Rollins really looming as such an enticing prize for whoever snagged that clipboard?

As the war between Ambrose and Cena intensified, its become less-and-less clear what theyre fighting for. In recent weeks, Rollins in-ring work has amounted to a squash match here or there against the likes of Kofi Kingston, a lot of running and hiding behind Orton and Kane and, last night, narrowly edging out Swagger thanks to a handful of tights. Rollins M.O. has been cowardice, and it helped distinguish him as an unambiguous heel. But with Lesnar not around as schoolyard bully, Rollins would benefit from some added mystique, especially if hes the precious target of WWEs marquee act and top young face. Otherwise, its a long fall from the top of that pole.

Below the Belt:

  • Im intrigued by this Orton/Rollins tension, although Im not sure about the Here, I just helped humiliate your opponent, take that! technique of intimidation.
  • Lana been abusing the bronzer much?
  • Also, what was with that belated Braves diss?
  • Rusev does not crush on the mic.
  • Cesaro not so fluent in quality commentary.
  • Layla took some really solid bumps.
  • Loved mixing it up with the opening match.
  • Not so into that new Ambrose shirt.
  • That Bray promo had me up until the fog machine.
  • Time to film some pretaped skits with Miz and Mizdow out to dinner with Maryse, shopping at the mall, etc.
  • Gotta love Steph and HHH placing the old Trading Places bet.
  • So, this has been a thing on social media since Orton and Zigglers theatrical RKO moment.
  • Best line of the night: Stephanie, taunting Cena and Ambroses blustering back and forth: Oh, youre the veteran, oh youre unstablethats just talk.
  • Worst line of the night: Oh, Sheamus: Take two brogue kicks and call me in the morning.
  • Fan Gesture of the Night: The man feigning choking in the front row while Show and Rusev labored on the outside.
  • In case you fast-forwarded through commercials: Hate Chrisley? Youll love Benched! Also, Subway ads have something to do with bacon-strip eyebrows and Michael Strahan is endorsing Metamucil. You didnt miss much.