Sesame Street Parodies Orange Is the New Black With Orange Is the New Snack

Orange Is the New Black is the latest grown-up series to get the Sesame Street treatment, joining such acclaimed, spoofed favorites as Mad Men, True Blood, Game of Thrones and Boardwalk Empire. In a five-minute clip posted to YouTube on Monday, they perform a spot-on, G-rated rendition of the Netflix series,Orange Is the New Snack.

The video kicks off with an opening sequence familiar to fans of the inmate-centric show only this time, the facial close-ups are of Muppets styled after familiar OITNB characters.

The girls at school/ The girls at school/ Munch, munch, munch till your tummys full/ The cookies are baked/ Its time to feed/ But healthy foods are what we need, a voice croons over the credits, set to the tune of Regina Spektors theme song, Youve Got Time.

The scene then opens on Litchfield Academy, a play on Litchfield Penitentiary, and the arrival of a new classmate: protagonist Piper Snackman. The wide-eyed character is excited to introduce her fellow students to her healthy eating habits, courtesy of an orange she smuggled in her lunchbox, but the others seem uncertain.

A character named Googly Eyes (a play on OITNBs Crazy Eyes) thinks the orange is a ball, while another (modeled after delusional dreamer Morello) believes the piece of fruit is actually her boyfriend Christopher. And a red-headed Muppet aptly named Red gets offended when Snackman refuses her cookie. What do you mean, No, thank you? Its snack time! she says in a thick, Russian accent.

Watch the clip above ahead of Orange Is the New Blacks season 5 premiere on Friday, June 9th.