Donald Trump Is Vladimir Putins Christmas Gift in SNL Sketch

Saturday Night Live called out Donald Trumps refusal to recognize Russias tampering of the election in a cold open that saw Alec Baldwin reprise the role of the President-elect as well as John Goodman appear as Secretary of State pick Rex Tillerson.

The Christmas-timed sketch opens with Trump discussing his final cabinet choices before asking in regards to the role of president, Can I just do it three days a week like Howard Stern does?

The sketch also mocked Trumps unpresidented Twitter gaffe Saturday morning.

Soon after, a shirtless Vladimir Putin (SNLs Beck Bennett) comes down the Trump Tower chimney, hauling a bag of presents like Santa Claus.

Vladimir, come in, its so great to finally meet in person, Trump says. I composed an email to you but I havent even sent it yet.

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I know, Putin smirks before buttering up Trump by calling him the best candidate the smartest candidate the Manchurian candidate, a nod to the 1962 thriller about brainwashed soldiers.

I dont know what that means but it sounds tremendous, the president-elect says.

Putin gifts Trump with an Elf on the Shelf, or a surveillance camera stuffed in a doll. When the mogul tells Putin he doesnt have a Christmas present for him, Putin snarls, Please, Mr. Trump, you are the gift.

John Goodmans Rex Tillerson, the Exxon exec and noted Putin pal, then drops in to talk business with the Russian president.

While Putin and Tillerson discuss pipelines and manufactured wars, Trump asks aloud, And then we destroy Vanity Fair, right?; the magazine called the moguls Trump Grill the worst restaurant in America earlier in the week.

On the subject of black crude oil, Trump says, Speaking of black and crude, I know Kanye. He came here. Hes using my colorist now. He says whatever he feels. Hes like me, but a black.

Unlike previously Saturday Night Live sketches featuring Baldwin, this cold open did not draw the late-night ire of Trump himself, who at press time had not yet tweeted about the unwatchable show or how Baldwins impression cant get any worse.