See Talib Kweli Rap About Surveillance State Danger in Full Frontal Spoof

Talib Kweli warns Full Frontal viewers about the perils of a surveillance state in A Music Video for White People (And Everyone).The song originally appeared as part of Samantha Bees longer, Mr. Robot-inspired segment about malicious software, hacked webcams and how Big Brother is always watching.

Lock your phone with a passcode/ Or what youre downloading gets stolen/ Basically to be the black Edward Snowden, Kweli says on the track, which is a play on the rappers Kanye West-produced 2002 hit Get By.

The NYPD put the troll in patrol/ They online collecting everything that we post from Twitter to Vine/ Unencrypted apps let em have all your data thats private/ Like every dick pic that you sent your side chick.

Watch the full segment on how a surveillance state affects people of all races below: