True Blood Season Finale Recap: Up in Flames

Great, after all that buildup about one of the principal characters not making it through the season, I still cant be certain if said character was Terry or Eric. In a deliberately ambiguous plot twist, the Viking vampires only appearance in Radioactive found him sunbathing nude on a snow-capped mountain in Sweden just as Warlows light seeped out of all the vampires who ingested his blood. After Eric burst into flames and the screen faded to black the action then jumping ahead six months there was no further mention of the character who has played a vital role on this show ever since Sookie walked into Fangtasia in Season Ones fourth episode.

If Eric really did meet the true death in that scene, then I am officially finished with True Blood. For all of showrunner Brian Buckners insistence that this season was all about grieving and honoring characters that died, to then have someone as important as Eric snuffed out and instantly forgotten seems not just disrespectful but incongruous: Terry Bellefleur garners the longest (fictional) funeral in the history of TV yet Eric is kicked to the curb laSteve Newlin? It doesnt make sense. And thats why I have a feeling we havent seen the last of Eric Northman. But, if that was indeed Alexander Skarsgards farewell performance, Im grateful he demonstrated his lack of use for the privacy sock,and allowed us to see every last inch of his sun-kissed body.

True Blood Actress Anna Camp Dishes on Sarah Newlins Transformation

With Season Seven a go for summer 2014, Radioactive didnt so much wrap things up as serve a big ol pot of unresolved subplot gumbo to whet our appetites for next year. Yes, Warlow is dead and Bill is no longer Billith(no more telekinesis, needs to be invited inside, etc.), but what happens now that: a)Niall has re-emerged from faerie limbo after a four-episode absence? b) Pam has been MIA ever since she flew off ostensibly in search of Eric? c) Sookie and Alcide have gotten together um, who here really thinks thats going to last? d) Sarah Newlindidnt appear at all? There was also a brand-new story line that set the stage for Season Seven: A TruBlood shortage is still in effect, as well as plenty of vampires sick with Hepatitis V. Bon Temps answer? Have every human pair up with a noninfected vamp; the humans will provide nourishment while the vampire provide protection. As insane (to quote episode guest star Lawrence ODonnell) as this plan sounds, it may be the towns only hope, because just before the end credits roll, a horde of zombified vampires arrives in the Louisiana hamlet and theyre hungry.

The season finale, like last weeks penultimate episode, was neatly divided into two parts, but that didnt make it any less batshit. The first half picks up mere minutes after Terrys funeral concluded and it dealt with the two biggest issues at hand: Sookies impending marriage to Warlow and her vampire transformation, and Bills realization that he has been freed from Liliths pull, at the expense of his enhanced abilities.

The former Vamp Camp inmates and Jason descend upon Compton Manor, still high off of the faerie-infused blood and savoring their first sunny day in centuries/years/weeks (between 800-year-old Violetand days-old Willa, the spectrum is pretty wide). Theres plenty of naked frolicking to be had, with Jason unfazed by Jessica and James burgeoning relationship because it looks like hes actually intothe ber-faithful yet domineering Violet. Hell, hes not even thrown when Violet plants a huge one on Sookies lips in greeting. Then again, Pam embracing Sookie in a bear hug is way weirder than any girl-on-girl smooch. But the impromptu outdoor party is short-lived (how cute was everyones Target-purchased pastel-colored summer gear?) when Jess stumbles upon her brooding maker, who admits hes back to plain old Vampire Bill and, now that his Lilith-enhanced power trip has been shattered, is feeling the guilt over selling Sookie out to Warlow. And its that tiny spark of remorse that might potentially reignite the long-dormant passion between these former lovers, because while Bill couldnt sense Sookies fear from the faerie plain, its no coincidence that he decided to go after her right at the very moment her life was in danger. Again.

Making good on her promise, Sookie returns to the faerie realm, where Warlow has been busy constructing a flower-adorned Maypole for their marriage ceremony. No time for a bachelorette party Warlow is taking his bride tonight. But now that her friends are safe, Sookie broaches the idea of postponing the wedding in favor of just dating. Shes definitely into him, but still isnt too keen on that whole eternity (or vampire) plan. Unfortunately, refusing the great and powerful Warlow is akin to bruising Walter Whites ego only bad things can come of it. The faerie-vampire smacks her to the ground, chokes her and uses his light to bind her to the Maypole, just in time for the sun to go down so he can begin turning her. Turns out his hatred of being a vampire was real, but at the same time, Warlow truly is a sadistic, elitist tyrant who only wanted Sookie for her body and her blood.

By nightfall, Bill has enlisted Jason, Violet, Andy and Adilyn to join him in his rescue mission. They meet at the cemetery, where two-week-old Adilyn gets a crash course in learning how to move between the human and faerie plains (when in doubt, just have a vampire frighten you into, well, lighting your pants). The five wedding crashers interrupt Warlows draining session, with Violet, possessive as she may be of Jason, proving her fierce loyalty by carrying a lifeless Sookie away from her captor and then feeding her sister her blood later on. Adilyn flashes Sookie, Jason, Violet and Andy back to the human world while Bill and Warlow engage in the smackdown weve been waiting for all season. But its not Bill who ultimately vanquishes this superannoying villain as expected. Once Warlow knocks their fight off the faerie plain and into the Stackhouse abode, he swiftly takes down Bill and Violet with his light power and glamours Jason into revealing Andy and Adilyns hiding place (Sookies vampire cubby), locking all three below ground. Cornering a weakened Sookie in her bathroom, Warlow claims his unwitting prize, until an ethereal pair of arms reach out from thin air and grab him. Its Grandpa Niall! Busting through the portal whence Warlow threw him back in Episode Five! Jason storms in (unclear if it was Niall who rescued him or if Adilyn successfully used her light to break open the locked cubby door) and stakes Warlow right in the chest, the faerie-vamp dissolving into a bright puddle of blood. Then Sookie and Jason help pull Niall out of the netherworld, only to have Rutger Hauers True Blood return leave us all scratching our heads. Niall is never mentioned or seen again, he doesnt reveal that hes Warlows son, and his character remains cloaked in mystery. WTF?

Sookie isnt the only one affected by Warlows demise, though. All of the vampires who drank his blood have been stripped of their ability to walk in the sun. Luckily for the vamps of Bon Temps, its nighttime when this change occurs, so Jess, Tara, James, Willa, Violet and Bill survive. Eric, on the other hand, had the misfortune being in the broad Swedish daylight, leaving his fate, as well as Pams, unknown.

Six Months Later
The second half of the finale picks up six months after Warlows death, but chaos still reigns as Hep V-infected vampires, as well as TruBlood-deprived ones, are roaming the streets. Sookie is relaxing on her couch, watching Bill make an appearance on The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell shilling for his newly published New York Times bestseller, And God Bled complete with a hilarious photo of Bill from his Confederate Army days on the cover. In the book (nice quick turnaround, Bill!), the vampire formerly known as Billith admits to killing Truman Burrell, remaining cool and collected when Lawrence ODonnell warns that such a confession could result in a murder trial. Bill reminds the MSNBC host that Burrell engineered the development of the deadly Hep V, so its unlikely he would be convicted. Sookie is entranced by her exs television demeanor, but just when we start thinking perhaps these two have rekindled their romance, who should walk into the living room showing off his six-pack abs? Alcide Herveaux! The werewolfs now-close-cropped hair confirmed my suspicion that Joe Manganiello mustve been wearing a wig or extensions in the episodes early scenes, because why else would he suddenly look like a member of Three Dog Night? As I stated earlier, Im not feeling the chemistry between these two, although Im glad to see Alcide has redeemed himself after spending most of the season acting like an entitled douche. Across town, Jason and Violet are living together, despite Jason suffering from a six-month-long case of blue balls hes allowed to pleasure her, but she wont even give him a blow job, let alone have sex. Again, I fear this is turning into another Crystal/werepanther-type situation where he refuses to leave an unsatisfying relationship. Good news is, Jason and Jessica exchanged enough longing glances this episode that I have hope their love story isnt over yet.

The following day, at a town church meeting (can anyone explain to me why the hell Sookie was dressed like Minnie Pearl in this scene?), Bon Temps mayor Sam Merlotte (huh?) unfolds his and Bills Ill scratch your back if you scratch mine plan to keep the humans and vampires safe from further harm. Understandably, Sookie and several residents are not cool with this idea, regardless of a free mixer at Bellefleurs Bar and Grill (yep, Arlene now owns the restaurant once known as Merlottes) that evening Food! Music! Find yerself a vampire! Creepy intentions aside, the party has a substantial turnout: Sam and a very pregnant Nicole are still going strong, and with Pams whereabouts a question mark, Tara and her mother, Lettie Mae, have an unusual opportunity for reconciliation. After spurning her vampire daughter last season, preachers wife Lettie Mae opens her arms to Tara, offering to nourish her to make up for all the years of neglect. Its such a beautiful scene between Rutina Wesley and Adina Porter, despite it being a bit bizarre nah, Tara feeding off of her mother isnt weird at all! that I was willing to put aside the ick factor for the sole enjoyment of watching Tara and Lettie Mae get a second chance at a relationship.

Two people who didnt attend the town social, however, were Andy and Adilyn, much to Jessicas dismay. So she goes to see them at home, where she states her offer as a furious Andy points a gun at the chest of the woman who killed his daughters: She will give them her protection without feeding off of either of them. It wont bring Adilyns sisters back, and Jessica knows she will never be absolved of her sins, but this was the least she could do. Even though Andy slams the door in her face, he doesnt pull the trigger which seemed like a real possibility in the episodes final minutes. Though shell never be welcome in the Bellefleur home, Jess has come one step closer to redemption by pledging herself to Andy and Adilyns safety.

Right as Sookie and Alcide are exiting the party at Bellefleurs, they are accosted by Bill, who inquires as to whether or not Sookie has made any arrangements with a local vampire. She proudly states she hasnt, because she now has a tall, dark, bright-eyed werewolf by her side. Bill implores her to reconsider her decision, due to the tasty nature of her blood, and offers his protective services just like old times. Also just like old times, Bill insists that hes changed, and that he can be trusted, but Sookie aint buying any of his 175-year-old bullshit. Their impending ex-lovers squabble is interrupted when both Alcide and Bill start sniffing the air. Within moments, a crowd of Hep V-infected, hungry vampires descends upon Bellefleurs, the numbers steadily increasing as the screen cuts to black until next summer.

Favorite Couple of the Week: Lawrence ODonnell and Bill Compton. Anyone who gets to ask Bill Compton if hes insane is an automatic winner.

Winning Species of the Week: Werewolves. Namely, Alcide. Dude resumed being one of the good guys and he bagged Sookie Stackhouse! Enjoy it while you can, Bright Eyes!

Losing Species of the Week: Faerie-vampire hybrids. Screw you, Warlow. Your story line was tedious and while it sucks you became a vampire, it still doesnt change the fact that you were an egomaniacal, arrogant misogynist. You will not be missed.

Previously: Walkin on Sunshine