Daily Show Details Trump Presidential Twitter Library

The Daily Show will archive a selection of President Donald Trumps social media blasts in the Donald J. Trump Presidential Twitter Library, The Associated Press reports. The free pop-up will run June 16th through 18th and will be open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. at 3 West 57th Street in New York City around the corner from Trump Tower.

Daily Show host Trevor Noah teased the Trump Presidential Twitter Library earlier this month and officially announced it Monday. The pop-up will feature videos, interactive exhibits and organize Trumps myriad 140-character missives into various exhibits such as SAD! A Retrospective and The Commander-In-Tweet. The Library will also highlight Trumps countless contradictory statements and give verified survivors the chance to recall what it was like being on the receiving end of a Trump Twitter screed.

Prior to detailing the Trump Presidential Twitter Library, Noah discussed whether Trumps tweets should be considered official statements. Noah noted the real world impact Trumps tweets have had, such as undercutting his own travel ban and prompting former FBI director James Comey to share memos of his conversations with the President.

Donald Trumps tweets are official presidential statements, Noah said. Thats why last week the U.S. military bombed Covfefe, which is actually a small town in Somalia. We thought it was a joke.