Watch Rosie ODonnell Skewer Donald Trump in Daily Show Parody

Rosie ODonnell exacted some revenge againstDonald Trump by narrating a new video that parodies the Republican presidential nominees rise to power. Like Franklin Roosevelts New Deal and Harry Trumans Fair Deal before it, Thursdays Daily Show introduced voters to Trumps Very Very Incredible Deal.

Earlier tonight, before Donald Trump accepted his partys nomination, delegates viewed a short film about Trumps life work and overall fantastic-ness, and realizing that you may have missed this important information, we bring it to you now, just slightly edited for clarity, Trevor Noah said before introducing the video.

The parody comically mapped the history of Trump, from his birth nine months after the nuclear attacks on Japan and his training at the New York Military Academy although he didnt go to Vietnam due to a sudden tragic diagnosis of heel spurs, a condition so debilitating it spread to his brain to his real estate empire and his career in fake business, The Apprentice.

The second half of the parody is dedicated to Trumps presidential run, where the mogul overcame obstacles along the way: smaller penised rivals, former wedding guests and dishonest media unfairly bent on destroying him for reporting on things he said. ODonnell says. The video also featured the infamous clip of Trump badmouthing ODonnell at a Republican debate, prompting the narrator to lose her cool.

Laura Benanti impersonated Melania Trump and defended herself against plagiarism accusations on The Late Show. Watch here.