WikiLeaks Publishes Over 30,000 Documents From Sony Hack

Last fall, a group of hackersinfiltrated Sony Pictures computer system and released years of company emails and private files. The U.S. government claimed that the North Korean government, upset over the impending release of James Franco and Seth Rogens The Interview,was centrally involved in this plot. (The country has denied the accusations.) Today, the story returned the spotlight when Wikileaks publishedthe full, searchable archive of 30,287 documents and 173,132 messages, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The work publicly known from Sony is to produce entertainment, Wikileaks wrote in a statement. However, the Sony Archives show that behind the scenes this is an influential corporation, with ties to the White House (there are almost 100 U.S. government email addresses in the archive), with an ability to impact laws and policies, and with connections to the US military-industrial complex.

The emails they cite show employees at Sony discussing ongoing lobbying efforts (particularly regarding issues of copyright, piracy and international trade) and the lawsuit against Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom. Other emails show people within the company organizing fundraisers for New York governor Andrew Cuomo and CEO Michael Lynton planning a golf game with President Obama. They also document exchanges between the studio and Rand Corporation, a government-financed military thinktank which includes Lynton on its board of trustees.

This archive shows the inner workings of an influential multinational corporation, says Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. It is newsworthy and at the center of a geo-political conflict. It belongs in the public domain. WikiLeaks will ensure it stays there.