Watch Jimmy Kimmel Celebrate Trumps 2,000th Lie in Documentary

Jimmy Kimmel celebrated President Trumps 2,000th lie, as documented by The Washington Post, with a faux documentary,Pants of Fire: The Road to 2,000 Lies.

The five-minute video, which featured clips from numerous Trump speeches and TV appearances, also included talking head experts like (fake) Washington Post fact-checker Geoffrey Russk, who proclaimed, [Trump] is, quite simply, the Babe Ruth of bullshit.

Hes averaging about 5.6 false claims a day, which is impressive given the fact that hes only working about 2.6 hours a day, Kimmel quipped. And all the while that hes lying, hes continuously imploring us to believe him You think Abe Lincoln ever said, Believe me?' Kimmel said. Believe me, he did not.

The documentary features such memorable, familiar lies as Trumps claim about the size of his inauguration crowd, his margin of victory over Hillary Clinton and even his bizarre reference to Sweden. Only Trump could have lied that lie, Russk said.

What can you compare it to? Russk asked toward the end of the clip. Michael Phelps in 08? Roger Bannister running the four-minute mile? A young Tiger Woods? Its unfathomable.

According to The Washington Post, Trump officially crossed the threshold into the 2,000 range for number of lies on January 9th, when speaking with lawmakers about issue of immigration. Post reporters Glenn Kessler and Meg Kelly noted that Trump lied about the wall being feasibly built in a single year, how the immigration visa lottery works and what impact the wall would have on drug smuggling into the country.