Watch Bryan Cranston Lead Fake Man Band on Late Late Show

Bryan Cranstonappeared on the Late Late ShowThursday night to accompany host James Corden and comedian Reggie Watts on a song called I Cant Be Your Boy (Cuz Im a Grown Man). The trio, decked out in all-white outfits, werebilled as the man band M3n Not Boyz.

You [have] your NSYNCs, your New Kids, but eventually, boy bands grow up into man bands, with a whole new set of problems and totally different ways to love you, said Corden in his introduction to the segment.

As the trio appeared in a cloud of dry ice, a fauxhawked Cranston gave a spoken-word introduction over the songs slow-jam melody: Hey girl, I know youve been with boys before, but now youre all done with that, he said. You need someone whos gonna be there for you. Someone whos gonna stand up for you. Someone who still doesnt believe in ATMs or emojis. You need a grown man.

Ill rotate your tires while you spin round my mind, sang Cordon, in a white pageboy cap with one pant leg rolled up to the knee. Youre the best choice that I ever made since the mortgage that I signed.

Added Watts, Dont need a prescription baby, cause youre my little blue pill.

The three then joined together to belt out the chorus, adding in some lewd choreography for good measure. Ill make love to you in my minivan, they sang. But I cant be your boy, because Im a grown-ass man.