Watch Stephen Colbert on Bigfoot Porn Rocking Virginia Midterms

Stephen Colbert touched on how Bigfoot porn has entered into the midterm elections on Tuesdays Late Show.

The host broke down the Virginias 5th Congressional District race between Leslie Cockburn and Denver Riggleman, who despite being months away from an election posted a photo of Bigfoot porn on his Facebook page.

This race has been rocked by scandal, and I promise you havent heard of this one before, because Bigfoot porn in shaking up the Virginia congressional race, Colbert said. Its the most scandalous campaign since LBJ was caught in bed with the Chupacabra.

While Riggleman excused the Bigfoot post as an inside joke for his military buddies, he later deleted an earlier Facebook post that referred to a self-published novel called Mating Habits of Bigfoot and Why Woman Want Him.

Rigglemandenied he believes in Bigfoot in an interview with Rolling StoneTuesday, adding of the in-the-works Mating Habits, My book is a political allegory. Id thought Id self publish it. To me, its just hilarious. Now Im trying to figure out when to publish. I dont want to take away from the respect of the office. Ill probably publish it after the election.

Colbert added, Now, look, I dont want people to think that just because were laughing, were kink-shaming people that are into this. I believe love is love, and I love how hilarious this is.