Watch New Walking Dead Trailer Featuring Super-Villain Negan

The seventh season of AMCs The Walking Dead premieres on October 23rd. The network shared a new, action-packed trailer for the series latest installment on Wednesday.

The short, choppy clip is rife with squealing-tire car chases, gunfire and shots of various characters wielding weapons of destruction. The focus is on Negan, a villain who showed up last season and rolls around with a barbed wire-covered baseball bat. There are rules, he says. You earn what you take. Later he adds menacingly, I am everywhere.

After the end of the sixth season, the shows creator/executive producer, Robert Kirkman, defended his right to leave fans wanting more. Ill probably get crucified for this, he told Rolling Stone, but I feel like theres a culture of instant gratification now: Netflix, social media, everything is on demand at all times. Nothing is withheld. You cant do 52 episodes a year. Its just not feasibly possible.

If you can do something that has people talking about your show in that gap between seasons, thats great, he added. We just ask that if youve enjoyed the show so far, just know, Season Seven is going to be pretty great.