Barack Obama Appears on Zach Galifianakis Between Two Ferns

President Barack Obama visited comedian Zach Galifianakis Between Two Ferns Funny or Die web series and fielded the sorts of questions only Galifianakis would and could ask. Other than a lengthy spiel where the commander in chief plugged and gracefully endured the comedians barbed comments about it (Why would you get the guy that created the Zune to make your website?), Obama handled questions like, In 2013, you pardoned a turkey; what do you have planned for 2014? and What should we do about North Ikea? with verve.

Zach Galifianakis Funniest Moments

The segment begins with Galifianakis apologizing for canceling on the president a couple of times and then shushing him so the pseudocable access show can start. Its full of the hosts awkward stares and frustrations (apparently he was bitten by spiders and needed to ask the president if the Affordable Care Act would cover his treatments, to which Obama said, Thats disgusting).

And Galifianakis did not go light on the president, at least in terms of weirdness. He dryly touched on birthers, asking Obama about his home country of Kenya, wondering what it was like to be the last black president and approaching a sort of jock-nerd rivalry with the president by asking what it will be like once the president is out of office and people wont let him win at basketball anymore. In turn, Obama ribs Galifianakis right back, comparing a third term to a third Hangover movie (It just doesnt work) and praising Bradley Coopers acting in the movies, saying that actor really carried those movies to Galifianakis (fake) chagrin.

Its hard to imagine the bit wasnt scripted, but even if it was, it showed again that the president understands a punch line, even if its awkwardly paced. Theres even a presidential twist at the end. Obama can take a joke.