Stephen Colbert Calls Trump D-Bag, P.O.S. on Revived Werd

Stephen Colbert dissected Donald Trumps ability to cover up old controversies by creating crazier ones in a scathing installment of his recently revived segment, The Werd, on The Late Show Tuesday.

The bit centered around Trumps response to Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of a fallen American soldier who slammed Trump for his anti-Muslim rhetoric during the Democratic National Convention. The werd Trumps belittling statements about the Khans evoked: What the Family? which was shortened on the graphic for spatial reasons, he insisted to read, What the F?

Colbert ticked off the myriad controversies Trump has started over the last year, including his statements about Mexican immigrants, John McCains war record, Megyn Kelly, the size of his penis and banning Muslims from entering the U.S. Along the way, Colbert called Trump a total Dad Bag (shorted to D-Bag, again for space) and Person of Society (P.O.S.), and warned about the dangers of letting Trump bury each awful thing he says.

If he succeeds at making us forget, I think hell get to say the craziest thing I can imagine, Colbert said as the opening words to the presidential oath of office appeared beside him. And if that day comes, ladies and gentlemen, we are all fff-amilied.

John McCain condemned Donald Trump over comments he made regarding the parents of a Muslim-American soldier killed in combat. Watch here.