Homeland Security on Leslie Jones Site Hack: Investigation is Currently Ongoing

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is investigating the hack of Leslie Jones website, JustLeslie.com, as Mashable reports. On Wednesday, hackers commandeered her site and released personal material.

The investigation is currently ongoing. In order to protect the integrity of the case, no further details are available at this time, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security said in a statement to Mashable on Thursday.

The hackers leaked personal information and a number of photos including nudes, passport and drivers license scans, as well as the Saturday Night Live stars phone number and Twitter password, as The Wrap noted.

Several personalities have taken to social media to offer the comedian and star their support, addressing her via her@Lessdoggg account. @Lessdoggg, no one deserves this least of all someone who brings us so much joy. Im with you, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton tweeted.

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Many called out the hackers racism and misogyny. These acts against Leslie Jones are sickening. Its racist and sexist. Its disgusting. This is hate crimes. This aint kids joshing around,' Questlove shared.

Do not give your eyeballs to this racist, hate-filled misogynoir crime, Katy Perry wrote. I #StandWithLeslie. Others addressed the legality of the hackers actions. FYI sharing stolen intimate photos like @Lesdogggs is illegal. You are participating in a sex crime, Patricia Arquette tweeted.

Last month, Jones was also the subject of another detestabletargeted attack on Twitter, most of which appeared to stem from racist trolls who were angry about her role in the all-female-starring Ghostbusters reboot. The relentless trolling caused the actress to abandon the service for a while and led to Twitter banning Breitbarts Milo Yiannopoulos, who instigated the online bullying of Jones.

Jones JustLeslie.com website was taken down following the hack and currently remains inaccessible. She has not posted on Twitter since the recent hack surfaced.