Is J.J. Abrams Still Committed to Star Wars?

Is director J.J. Abrams still committed to Star Wars: Episode VII? The answer is a definite yes. After rumors emerged during Comic-Con that he might be pulling out of the potentially career-defining project, Lucasfilm released a statement on Monday assuring the world that Abrams is still in the directors chair.

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But maybe Abrams isnt the guy for the job after all. On top of Star Wars, hell also be busy working on a third Star Trek film, and thats a lot of epic storytelling and intergalactic spectacle to handle for one man. With so much anticipation and pressure, a Star Wars reboot is a project that requires ones undivided attention, and things wont turn out well if Abrams gets so busy that he starts mixing his Romulans with Rodians.

In our humble opinion, what Star Wars might need is a fresh pair of eyes, one unconcerned with the trials and tribulations of a completely different sci-fi saga. Abrams can handle Episodes VIII and IX, when he doesnt have other things to work on. But for now, lets consider a few directors whod better suit the project.

Matthew Vaughn
To take on a saga thats as simultaneously awe-inspiring, game-changing and close to our hearts as Star Wars, well, thats got to be tough. But nobody could pull this off better than Matthew Vaughn, who is so qualified and respected that at one point it seemed he actually had the job.

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A director with great breadth, Vaughn has taken on the origin stories of Professor X and Magneto in X-Men: First Class, crafted a hilarious and brutal action flick in Kick-Ass and even explored fantasy romance with Stardust. He can work with visual effects and gripping action sequences, but he can also bring out the personality of a character who has a of history. Plus, since hes opted out of directing X-Men: Days of Future Past, he has some time on his hands.

Guillermo del Toro
Its unclear what will actually happen in Episode VII Lucasfilm hasnt shared any details yet. But if the story finds Luke Skywalker and Co. going back to the old question of good vs. evil, Guillermo del Toro certainly has something to offer. With Pans Labyrinth, the auteur plunged into a similar Empire vs. Rebels scenario only with a fascist Spanish military captain instead of a Darth Vader producing a stunning, cathartic film.

Granted, Pans Labyrinth is also surreal, terrifying and utterly heartbreaking, and Star Wars is none of those things. But as he demonstrated with Pacific Rim, del Toro knows how to please a crowd with lots of awe-inspiring battle scenes (and he isnt opposed to a little humor, either). His version of Star Wars might be more nuanced and unique, but thered still be a big payoff, and respect for what the audience wants.

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Kathryn Bigelow
Star Wars
has always been a family-friendly affair. The violence isnt too graphic, and there are plenty of Wookies and Ewoks around to lighten the mood. But, seriously, who hasnt wished for a rawer, darker, more Game of Thrones-y take on the series? Who hasnt dreamed of seeing the obnoxious Jar Jar Binks get stabbed through the eye with a light saber? Though its an intriguing thought, never in a million years would this project land in the lap of Zero Dark Thirtys Kathryn Bigelow shes just too edgy, and besides, her only excursion into sci-fi was the overwrought cyberpunk flop Strange Days.

Christopher Nolan
If the executives at Disney ever got it in their heads that itd be smart to go gritty, Christopher Nolan would be the guy to call. With his acclaimed Dark Knight trilogy, Nolan didnt simply put a darker spin on a classic superhero story he brought out the darkness that had always festered in the twisted minds of Gotham Citys villains, as well as in Batmans own tormented heart. Nolan could do something similar with Episode VII, highlighting all the visceral texture and detail of the story where once the rough edges had been smoothed out.

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Of course, rebooting Star Wars isnt about going gangbusters with a solid franchise. The right director for this enterprise has to give the series something new while simultaneously respecting its legacy. There are narratives and themes to uphold (and multiple generations of fans to please). So maybe Abrams whos been a fan of Star Wars since he was a child is the right guy for the job.

Just dont mess it up.