Watch Jimmy Kimmels Powerful Monologue After Texas School Shooting

Jimmy Kimmel delivered a powerful monologue Friday hours after yet another school shooting, this time at Santa Fe High School outside of Houston, Texas.

Once again our leaders are sending their thoughts and prayers. President Trump said he is with the people of Santa Fe in this tragic hour and will be with them forever except for when it comes to doing something, then he will not, Kimmel said of the shooting, which killed 10 and wounded 10, mostly students.

Neither will any of the Governors or members of Congress who dont ever do anything because they are fearful that it will hurt them politically. They know the truth, they know this has gone too far but theyre too cowardly to do the right thing. They care more about the support of the NRA than they do about children. So they sit there with their hands in their pockets, pockets that are full with gun money, and they do nothing. They just wait for the outrage to pass, because it didnt happen to their children.

Kimmel explained that the United States only hope for meaning impact on this epidemic is to use the power of democracy to create change in Washington, D.C., as these types of shootings dont occur in countries with real, sensible gun laws. The late-night host then encouraged his viewers to register to vote for politicians who will do something.

Kimmel closed out his plea with footage of Santa Fe High School students recounting the shooting to news cameras in the immediate aftermath of the tragedy, juxtaposed with Donald Trump and other politicians promising to uphold Second Amendment rights.