WWE Money in the Bank: Kevin Owens Isnt Here to Make Friends

It was just another manic Sunday for WWE, as the fertile seeds were planted for sprouting at Battleground in five weeks, championships changed hands and a late wrestling icongot his multitude of tributes.

But the real headline, as has been the case with every televised show for a month, is this incredible in-ring chemistry between Kevin Owens and John Cena, whove evolved in tandem together to bring the best out of each other. Although we also learned whos next on Bray Wyatts arbitrary chopping list, witnessed a veteran tag team at least hold the straps and found out which man is in line to join Seth Rollins, Brock Lesnar, Roman Reigns and the other big boys at the top of the title-contention heap.

So without further fumbling over my words like it were a telltale hook atop a wobbly ladder, here are the five key things I took away (in addition to the usual accompaniment of Twitter-friendly sidebar fodder) from 2015s edition of Money in the Bank.

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5. Whats Randy Staring At?
The only thing suspended more precariously during that opening ladder match than its awaiting briefcase was our disbelief. The number of, Boy, he sure is climbing those rungs deliberately and, Man, that thing is pesky to unhook scenarios far outnumbered the total of decent spots, leading to a ho-hum clash that we can at least assuredly assume didnt put too many guys out of action. But of all the head-scratchers, Randy Orton kneeling beneath the ladder and salivating at his prize rather than bounding for it was most preposterous. What was he waiting for, we wonder? A sign from God? A bit of gastrointestinal discomfort to pass? Or, more likely, Neville to finally get up on the apron and leapfrog over his head and onto the steel contraption like theyd planned. Said bit was emblematic of how the events titular collision played out as a whole: ornate but a bit discombobulated. And far be it for me to suggest that had anything to do with MITBs abbreviated two-week run-up.

4. Sheamus Seems About Right
Of the seven competitors vying for the aforementioned briefcase and its complementary, guaranteed title shot, Sheamus stood out as the most sensible to stand stall. He returned from injury with the full force of an apparent heel push at his back, but of late had suffered a string of embarrassing losses, most notably to Ryback for the Intercontinental belt at Elimination Chamber. But the Great White isnt the type to simply get buried. Odds were, last night was the time for his true resurrection. Granted, as weve seen with the likes of Damien Sandow, snagging that precious contract doth not pre-determine the desired result, but for Sheamus, it at least assures his rise back to the Heavyweight ranks. Besides, with everyone from Ryback to Neville representing WWEs current middle card, the IC scene seems in perfectly capable hands.

3. The Continuing Reintroduction of Roman Reigns
You really couldnt have responded to the fan backlash against Reigns ascent any better than WWE has since Januarys Royal Rumble. Where the Samoan Supermans solo narrative was once about destiny and dominance, hes since been the unduly wronged victim of several saboteurs. The latest to preempt his quest for the World Heavyweight Championship? Bray Wyatt, whos interference was the most believable impediment to Reigns emerging with briefcase in hand. Plus, Wyatt came to party in his finest Mykelti Williamson-in-Justified murder-smock attire, so you know he meant business. Well find out more about Brays agenda tonight (my guess: Romans had everything handed to him but doesnt know what family and sacrifice is really all about, blah blah blah). But the real story here is Reigns slow and successful reinvention as an underdog.

2. Seth Rollins Hearts Eric Carmen
Forget Justin Bieber. The fans should really start chanting, Er-Ic Car-Men when Seth Rollins takes the mic tonight. After defeating Dean Ambrose in another sticky finish and retaining his title, the former Shield architect couldnt stop shouting to the world how he did it, All by myself! And was I the only one who subsequently couldnt get former Raspberries frontman (and future Hungry Eyes crooner) Carmens mid-1970s weepie All By Myself out of my head? So lets make it happen, folks: For those of you attending Raw in several hours, mock your champion and insinuate his immaturity by channeling one of pop musics most memorable desperate-for-attention slow jams. As for Ambrose, well merely spend an eternity pondering just how he overcame that shattered patella, several barricade blows and a symbolic ladders-and-chairs burial to spontaneously recover and very nearly snatch victory from his adversary atop that ladder. Maybe hes a Matthew Wilder fan?

1. Yes Owens Yes!
Man, that would have been a serious bummer had Kevin Owens accepted John Cenas sportsmanlike handshake and patronizing raising of the arm, as if theirs was a shared victory. KO the monster heel doesnt want no handouts or charity from the champ. In fact, hed fit right in on Raws broadcast competitor The Bachelorette, cause he didnt come to the WWEs main roster to make friends. Nor does have a political agenda a la Rusev or some kind of sensational gimmick like fellow former NXT champ Neville (sorry, Neville). Hes here to talk shit, back it up and finish what he started 15 years ago and gritted out largely on his own ever since. Its simple, its effective, and its been incredibly fun to watch. Hopefully, Cena will be sidelined for bit after suffering Owens sore-loser powerbomb onto the apron, saving their grudge match for SummerSlam and guaranteeing its the hottest thing on the card. Because if Brocks hopeful return for that important annual event isnt even the reason to subscribe and tune in, WWEs got a hell of an August rush on its hands.

Below the Belt:

  • What more can you say, re: Dusty?
  • Not sure we needed to hear from the kickoff panel prior to the main event.
  • Good for PTP.
  • Sometimes, it feels like Michael Cole still thinks theyre going to commercial midway through matches.
  • Speaking of Cole, kayfabe my man!
  • Isnt chanting NXT at a WWE event a bit like chanting AAA at an MLB game?
  • Dusty would have enjoyed that Divas finish.
  • And controversy is good for the Divas.
  • OK, Miz.
  • KOs an underrated seller.
  • I can get behind the altitude era.
  • Time to discuss how the Pop-up Powerbomb is a bit too opponent-abetted?
  • Might be time to go old school and order the matches by importance.
  • Sign of the Night: Busy night on the boardsI hope Bury Ryder was ironic. Also, did I read This Sign Sucks correctly? And apparently, Elliott Loves Panties.
  • Move of the Night: Im a sucker for subtle spots, so no disrespect to KOs spinning sit-up powerbomb, but I didnt see that Reigns powerbomb on Kofi into the throngs outside coming.