Watch Samantha Bee Compare Trumpcare Fail to Atlanta Falcons

After the Republican party failed to push a new healthcare bill through the House of Representatives last week, Samantha Bee poked fun at President Trump, Speaker Paul Ryan, and the Freedom Caucus during Full Frontal on Wednesday.

She was especially amused that a President who brags about his deal-making abilities was unable to eke out a compromise around a major initiative. Trump couldnt sell Obamacare repeal to a House that voted for it 60 times already, she pointed out. Closing deals is the one thing President Trump was supposed to know how to do.

In the end, Bee added, the charmer-in-chief struck out harder than the douche-y guy at the bar who goes up to every girl in the room asking, are you a model?'

The Full Frontal-host also offered President Trump some free political advice, suggesting that it was unwise for him to haggle with the 30 ultra-conservative Republicans who make up the House of Representatives Freedom Caucus. You cant negotiate with the Freedom Caucus, Mr. President, Bee asserted. [Former House Speaker] John Boehner could have told you that, but hes busy sipping Merlot on the beach and counting his zero fucks.

Trump blamed his bills failure in part on Democrats, none of whom supported his legislation. The Atlanta Falcons would have won the Super Bowl, Bee joked. But they had no support from the New England Patriots.