Watch a Supercut of Every Samuel L. Jackson Motherfuer In a Movie

File this under inevitable Internet gold: Huffington Posts Ben Craw and Oliver Noble have put together an impressive, mind-boggling supercut of every time Samuel L. Jackson has said motherfucker in a movie. Thats exactly 171 motherfuckers from 27 different movies, uttered in under four minutesand presented in chronological order, from 1988s School Daze to this years RoboCop.

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Craw and Noble have also compiled a handy statistical breakdown of Jacksons cinematic swearing, with his top three motherfuck-iest performances coming in asJackie Brown (37), Pulp Fiction (26; though its unclear if this includes the Bad Motherfucker inscription on Jules wallet) and Soul Men (24, though two are bleeped, and two are truncated mothers).

Egregious as some may find all that swearing, Jackson told a crowd at the American Institute for Stuttering gala in 2013 that saying motherfucker helped him overcome his own speech impediment as a child. While Jackson added that he still struggles with his stutter sometimes, one technique that never fails is repeating his favorite word. I do that. Every day, he told New York Magazine. I say it and it helps, like even if I just say it to myself, under my breath. I dont stutter when I say that word.

As if he needed to further prove that foul language can be beautiful, Jacksons put his swearing skills to good use in this take on Taylor Swifts We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together, as well as his audiobook narration ofthe childrens bookGo the Fuck to Sleep. With the actor showing no signs of slowing down soon hes got a slew of films in the works including next summers Avengers: Age of Ultron heres to 171 more motherfuckers.