See John Oliver Explain Why Trumps Russia Scandal Is Stupid Watergate

John Oliver attempted to recap the week of White House chaos on Sundays Last Week Tonight, answering four important questions: What the fuck is going on?, How big a deal is this?, Where do we go from here? and Is this real life?

Oliver appeared exhausted even before beginning the massive segment, asking viewers, Can you even remember how this week began? From there, he summarized the biggest headlines, including leaks that President Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian officials during an Oval Office meeting and that former FBI director James Comey wrote a memo after a meeting with President Trump stating Trump asked him to shut down his investigation into then-National Security Adviser, Michael Flynn.

The host also marveled over Trumps commencement address for the Coast Guard Academy, wherein the president complained, No politician in history, and I say this with great surety, has been treated worse or more unfairly.

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Wait, no politician has been treated worse? Oliver asked. Abraham Lincoln was shot by an actor. William McKinley was shot by an anarchist. JFK was, of course, murdered by Ted Cruzs father. And James Garfield was shot, then to find the bullet, Alexander Graham Bell devised a kind of metal detector, which didnt work, so doctors tried to fish around in his guts for the bullet with unwashed fingers, which just made his infection worse, so he died in horrible pain. But yeah, Alec Baldwin sometimes does a mean impression of you on TV. So yeah, its basically the same, isnt it?

After continuing through the weeks biggest bombshells like Trump allegedly telling Russian officials that Comey was a nut job and his firing relieved great pressure he highlighted some descent from Congressional Republicans.

I think its reaching the point where its of Watergate size and scale and a couple other scandals that you and I have seen, Arizona Senator John McCain said Tuesday. Its the centipede [where] the shoe continues to drop.

Oliver concurred with, but tweaked, the analogy: Its like the centipede that keeps dropping shoes, he said. But its real, and people wear shoes, so the Trump administration is really moreThe HumanCentipedein terms of the amount of shit passing through it and how nauseating watching it really is.

Later, the comedian broke down the possible aftermath of a Trump impeachment including the concept of a President Mike Pence, who frequently describes himself as a Christian, a conservative and a Republican in that order.

Finally, Oliver warned viewers that, indeed, this is real life. I dont know about you, he added, but this week has drained me. The world concurs.

Impeaching Donald Trumpis as much a political question as it is a legal one. Watch here.