Lovelytheband Fights for LGBTQ Rights in New Maybe, Im Afraid Video

Indie pop outfit Lovelytheband already released a video for their song Maybe, Im Afraid earlier this year, but today they released an additional one. The animated video touched on the overall theme of the song, whereas this new video touches a little more specifically on one persons story, says singer Mitchy Collins. [Its] something that we felt was important to tell.

The video, shot last month by Andrew Sandler, is a poignant telling of a mans life and the years he spent struggling with his sexuality. Staring at a framed photograph of himself as a boy holding a baseball mitt, he traces his memory back through time, reflecting on his boyhood, turbulent teenage years and finally, his wedding day, when he marries his husband.

There are so many things that we experience or believe that keep us from truly embracing who we are, Collins says. As hard as it may be, [band members] Jordan, Sam and I feel true happiness comes when you start to fall in love with yourself.

The videos message is also linked to the Beyond I Do campaign, an organization that fights for the basic rights of the LGBTQ community. The band joined forces with Beyond I Do when they met with the Ad Council and were stunned by what they heard: The reality is that in 30 states LGBTQ people dont have comprehensive protections from discrimination in housing, employment or services! says Collins. We feel that equality is a right that everyone should have, regardless of who you love. We immediately wanted to get involved and help in any way we could.

Collins hopes the video will reach out to those who need it most. No matter what they have gone through in their life, no matter what their personal struggle is, maybe this video can help them realize that being comfortable with exactly who they are is everything that they need to be happy, he says. Our goal is to help promote acceptance, empathy and understanding for all LGBTQ Americans.