Anthony Scaramucci on Steve Bannon: If It Was Up to Me, Hed Be Gone

Anthony Scaramucci the shortest-tenured communications director in White House history appeared onThe Late Showon Monday. Ill pretend those are Mooches and not boos, Steven, he said walking out to Bohemian Rhapsody.

Stephen Colbert pressed the Mooch to explain why he thought President Trump took two days to explicitly condemn white supremacy after the Charlottesville attack.Lets be fair to him: he did condemn the nazis today, Scaramucci said. Two days later! Colbert said. Does [Trump] order his spine on Amazon Prime?

I think theres a couple issues, said Scaramucci more seriously. [Trump] said the many sides thing he should have been harsher he should have condemned white supremacy and neo-Nazis. Scaramucci said he believed the president reacts in a way that will purposely stir the media. Some of that worked in the campaign, he said.

Is Steve Bannon a white supremacist? Colbert asked pointedly. I dont think hes a white supremacist although Ive never asked him if hes a white supremacist, said Scaramucci, who said he stands by his statement that Bannon was a leaker.

What I dont like though is the toleration of [white supremacist views in the White House. Its something that should be completely and totally intolerated. When Colbert asked him what the Mooch would do, he replied: If it was up to me, [Bannon] would be gone. He also added (in requisite Mooch voice) that when it came to Reince Preibus departure, there was no love lost.

Colbert ended the interview asking the Mooch if he had any regrets about his time at the White House. I didnt think I would last too long, but I thought Id last longer than a carton of milk, Scaramucci joked. Ive really thought about that, and I would say absolutely nothing.