White Girl Review: Sexed-Up Indie Not as Shocking as It Thinks

Is there anything less shocking than a movie that thinks its shocking? See White Girl and discuss and you should see it, if only for the all-stops-out performance of Morgan Saylor. She plays Leah, a New York college student on the yellow brick road to cocaine and near-constant debasement. The character is based partly on the exploits of Elizabeth Wood, the films writer and director, so art really is imitating life though neither is immediately recognizable as such.

The white girl of the title isnt Leah or Elizabeth, however, but a stash of cocaine belonging to Blue (hottie rapper Brian Sene Marc), a Puerto Rican drug dealer who lives near the scuzzy New York City apartment occupied by Leah and her roomie Katie (India Menuez). Raised privileged in the whitebread Midwest, Leah is a girl who just wants some big-city fun. This means screwing her brains out and pushing Blue to sell his blow to a more affluent market in Manhattan. Of course, this lands her man in jail. She plans to get him out by hiring a high-priced lawyer (Chris Noth) whose fee comes from fucking Leah and selling the coke Blue left behind, i.e. the same drugs our heroine rarely stops snorting.

Are you sensing a pattern? And did I mention Kelly (Justin Bartha), Leahs douchebag boss at a digital media rag where she serves as an unpaid summer intern and who helps pave her path to after-hours urban hell? It sure isnt Wonderland this Alice falls into. Is Wood trying to say something profound about a society that sees drugs and human flesh as saleable commodities? Or is she exploiting the sight of Leah in short-shorts and miniskirts to commodify her own ascent as a first-time filmmaker? Maybe its a little bit of both, spiced with a keen flair for making a camera do her bidding. And Saylor, the sulky Brody daughter on Homeland, jumps off the screen, alive to every challenge Wood throws at her. Shes a talent to keep an eye on.