Watch Kyle Mooney Awkwardly Interview Bieber Fans in Cut SNL Skit

Saturday Night Lives Kyle Mooney interviews fans as they waited in the rain to see Justin Biebers Today Show performance in a sketch originally meant to air in October but was cut from the show.

In the clip, Mooney hosts a series of uncomfortable, awkward interviews with Biebers fans. Hes the handsome devil who came down from heaven to make some great songs and dance forever, Mooneys character stutters out at the beginning of the sketch. While holding the lengthy cord attached to his microphone, he fails at first to get the soaked audience to yell on camera after he says Biebers name.

In between the old-school clip art used for scene transitions, Mooney makes one fan repeatedly state four hours in the rain the amount of time she waited to see the pop star perform tracks from Purpose and confuses one platinum blond, snapback-sporting and skateboard-wielding bystander for Bieber himself.