Watch Carly Rae Jepsen Read Crazy Fan Tweets on Corden

If youve ever had a dream about Carly Rae Jepsen the singer may know about it after participating in a segment on The Late Late Show called Tweet Dreams. In the clip, Jepsen sits down backstage to read a series of tweets from fans, all of whom have recounted their dreams about her online.

Last night I had a dream that it was 2020 and I was Carly Rae Jepsens campaign manager, the singer reads. For what, I wonder? she responds. Like life? Or like presidency? I have questions.

Another tweet gets a little more serious. Dreamt my parents filed for divorce because my dad didnt like the new Carly Rae Jepsen single, Jepsen reads. I mean, those are grounds, she agrees. So thats fair. And I feel like I should meet your mom.

Later in the clip Jepsen asks the producers whether any of these dreams were prompted by the show. Did people just volunteer this? she asks. When they confirm that the tweets date back to 2012 and there were several that werent used for the segment the singer just nods and says, I love this.

Jepsens most recent album, Dedicated, dropped last month. The singer told Rolling Stone that shes more interested in cultivating a strong fanbase than being beloved by everyone. Heres how Ill put it, she said. I would much rather have a small and mighty group of people who are getting what I love about music and connecting than a Call Me Maybe ever again.